
Why we do what we do?

End of Year Class Lunches

End of Year Class Lunches

End of Year Class Lunches

At The Vine School, our annual class lunches form part of our educational program and during this special time pupils are taught how to conduct themselves with courtesy and politeness at the lunch table and they are coached to engage in meaningful conversation around a cooked meal. They are also given opportunities to reflect on the past year by discussing the great ideas they encountered during their learning, the characters they met in the various texts they read, the growth they experienced during the year and the things for which they are grateful. Teachers put in great effort to create a beautiful atmosphere in every classroom. Tables are beautifully laid with tablecloths, crockery and cutlery. Each table is thoughtfully and tastefully decorated, usually with a Christmas theme in mind. 
Grade 6 class lunch 2022
Class reps support teachers by sourcing decor for tables as per the teachers' requests (not classroom decor) and coordinating help on the day - carrying dishes and food to classrooms before lunch, taking dishes down to the kitchen and where necessary, helping with washing and drying dishes.
class lunches parent help
There is indeed a sense of the good, true and beautiful in each classroom and teachers and pupils alike express each year what a blessing this time of reflection, thanksgiving and celebration is to them.   


2022 class lunch Gr 1B table



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