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Launching Grade 8 in 2025

Launching Grade 8 in 2025

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RE: Junior High School

We are delighted to announce that The Vine School will be offering Grade 8 from 2025 and Grade 9 from 2026!

The news has been met with much excitement and enthusiasm amongst staff and parents of The Vine School.

It would continue the rich living education which Ambleside is known for.  And there is significant benefit in being able to continue with an Ambleside education beyond Grade 7 to build on the foundation laid in primary school.  As you know, the senior phase (Grade 7-9) is a critical age when young people are especially vulnerable to peer pressure as they question who they are and what they believe. 

On Saturday 16 March twenty-five families met together to find out more about what is planned for our Junior High School starting in 2025. 

  1. The Vine School’s Chairman of the board, Mr Gavin Graham, started off explaining the vision
  2. The Principal, Mr Ryno von Waltzleben, then shared some of the practical aspects 
  3. Mrs Natalie Thomson, then shared both as a mom of 5 children who have gone through an Ambleside school as well as a Director of Training and Pedagogy for Ambleside Southern Africa
  4. We ended with a time of Questions and Answers. 

Below is a summary of the talks and discussion which we had. 

1. The Vine School’s Chairman of the board, Mr Gavin Graham, started off explaining the vision.

2. The Principal, Mr Ryno von Waltzleben, then shared some of the practical aspects such as a slightly longer school day and possible changes to the school uniform with input from the pupils and parents.

3. Mrs Natalie Thomson, then shared both as a mom of 5 children who have gone through an Ambleside school as well as a Director of Training and Pedagogy for Ambleside Southern Africa

Natalie started by homeschooling her children and discovered a great love for Charlotte Mason’s teachings.  She went on to enrol her children at Ambleside Houtbay and became their Director of Instruction, and trained their teachers in the rich philosophy of Charlotte Mason.  She spoke about the benefits that her children gained from being part of the school.  

Natalie also spoke about the support that Ambleside Southern Africa (ASA) gives to member schools as well as the great knowledge and resources we have access to since Ambleside Houtbay has had a high school for 15 years. 

4. We ended with a time of Questions and Answers

  1. “Does The Vine School plan to continue to Grade 10, 11 and 12?”

The challenge is with giving a leavers certificate recognised by the Education department. At this stage the simple answer is no ,but the topic is not entirely off the table. 

  1. “If my child stays till the end of Grade 9, where would he go and would he be able to then transition well into a non-Ambleside school?”

The senior phase (Grade 7-9) is a critical age when young people are especially vulnerable to peer pressure as they question who they are and what they believe. By Grade 10 they are more settled in who they are and can adjust more easily.  Also, we have chatted with a number of schools in the Southern Suburbs who told us that they usually have space going into Grade 10 and the biggest reason a student is declined is to do with subject choices and not space. Compared to when applying to Grade 8 where finding a good school amongst thousands of applications made when only a few hundred are accepted to schools due to space limitations. 

Contact Janice Thorne-Smith on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or phone her on 021 696 3220 for more information


Click the following links to find out more about:

Our Lifegiving Ambleside Education https://www.thevineschool.org.za/index.php/ambleside-philosophy-of-education

- A very important page with links to a number of videos.  Please take 20 minutes and watch at least the first 3 to find out about our life giving education

 The Application process and Fees (Fees are only for 2024 up to Grade 7 but will give you an idea of our fees)


- Here you can find out all about researching, visiting and applying to our school.  Make sure you scroll to the bottom of the page to see the various downloadable documents. 

 The Vine School 

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 Virtual School Tour 

- however it is much better to book a physical tour

 Parent Testimonials 

- find out what our current and past parents say about our school

 Frequently asked Questions 

- lots of your questions will be answered here


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