Application Process

The Journey Continues

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Application Form

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The Mission of The Vine School


The Vine School promises outstanding education, inspiring children to think, discover and grow, using the Ambleside teaching method in a Biblical Christian environment.

The purpose of this education is for children to grow in the knowledge of God, through engagement with His world and application of His Word, so as to live full, free and fruitful lives.



  • Enrolment Application Form
  • Declaration
  • The School’s Christian Ethos, Nicene Creed & Declaration of Faith
  • Pupil’s Code of Conduct


Important to Note:

  • Please complete all sections of the application form fully. Providing inaccurate or incomplete information may delay the process or invalidate this application.
  • As the school only accepts 16 children in a class, please return all documents as soon as possible.
  • Receipt of this form by The Vine School does not guarantee enrolment or admission to the school.
  • The school reserves the right to verify all information supplied herein, to acquire a credit reference, and to obtain references from your child’s current or past schools. The admissions process will include an assessment for placement of your child and an interview with the parent(s), before a place may be offered. If successful, a contract between the school and the parents will then be entered into.
  • Upon signing the contract, an Enrolment Fee equivalent to three months’ school fees is payable to secure a place for your child/ren in the school. At commencement, this will be allocated to the following:
    - the Fee Deposit (currently equal to one and a half month’s fees),
    - the first month’s School Fees and a credit towards any Extra Fees due.
    The Fee Deposit will be held in trust and will be refunded upon leaving the school after any outstanding fees, including fees in lieu of notice, have been settled. 


Application Fee (payable on submitting this application):

  • Preschool R250 (Administration fee only)
  • Grade R to Grade 7 - R550.00 (Administration fee R250 + Assessment fee R300)
  • Should your application be unsuccessful and if no assessment has been administered, we may refund the assessment fee only.
  • A discount of R50.00 applies to the administration fee for each sibling application.


Banking details:

  • First National Bank, Plumstead
  • Branch code: 201 109
  • Account number:  623 6699 6779
  • Reference: your surname


Documents to Attach:

Please have the following documents prepared in a digital format and ready to attach to the application form.
Note that keeping them in a single folder on your device will make the uploading process easier.

  • Proof of payment of Application fee
  • Certified copies of the pupil’s two most recent school reports
  • Certified copy of the pupil’s birth certificate, ID document or passport
  • Certified copies of both parents’ and/or guardian’s ID documents or passports
  • Certified copy of the sponsor’s ID document or passport (if applicable)
  • Copies of any relevant medical/professional therapists’ reports
  • Foreign applicants should supply copies of visas and work/study permits
  • Proof of residence for both parents
  • 3 most recent bank statements of each parent who contributes to the household income, including informally.
  • 3 most recent pay slips of each parent who is employed


John 15:5 - I am the vine; you are the branches. The one who remains in me and I in him produces much fruit, because you can do nothing without me.


Thank you for your interest in applying to The Vine School.

Kindly complete a separate application for each child.

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I would like to enroll my child to commence in:

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Family Details

Primary contact for this application

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Have you ever applied to enroll a pupil at The Vine School in the past?

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Parent/Guardian’s Details:

(where there are more than two parents and/or guardians, please complete an extra copy of this section with details for each step-parent and/or guardian)

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Who is to receive correspondence in addition to the primary contact?

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1. A paper copy will be sent to the primary caregiver but if a 2nd or 3rd report is required
(eg to a sponsor) please indicate below.

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Pupil’s Details

(please use names as they appear on the Birth Certificate)

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If yes, please submit details to the school

Current School Details

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If yes to either of these questions, please provide a full explanation noting school name(s) and dates of attendance. 

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School relationships:

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Please attach the following documents to the application form:

  1. Proof of payment of Application fee
  2. Certified copies of the pupil’s two most recent school reports
  3. Certified copy of the pupil’s birth certificate, ID document or passport
  4. Certified copies of both parents’ and/or guardian’s ID documents or passports
  5. Certified copy of the sponsor’s ID document or passport (if applicable)
  6. Copies of any relevant medical/professional therapists’ reports
  7. Foreign applicants should supply copies of visas and work/study permits
  8. Proof of residence for both parents
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Emergency Contact Details

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Medical Information:

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Learning Support:

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Please upload copies of any relevant medical/professional therapists’ reports below

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Financial Acknowledgement by Parents / Guardians

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Acknowledgement by parent or guardian:

I am aware that as a parent or guardian of the applicant, I will be expected to sign a debit order, and a Pupil Enrolment Contract. I understand that the school may conduct reference checks including obtaining a credit profile.

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General Information

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Referral by Vine School family: 

If you were referred by a family currently enrolled at the school, please furnish the name and telephone number of the person/s who encouraged you to apply: 

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Charlotte Mason and Ambleside Education: 

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Third Party Sponsor's Details

(If applicable)

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Relationship to the applicant:

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Financial Information:

To what extent do you intend sponsoring the application? Please indicate an amount or percentage.

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Acknowledgement by sponsor:

I am aware that in sponsoring the applicant, I will be expected to sign a debit order, and co-sign a Pupil Enrolment Contract.  I understand that the school may conduct reference checks including obtaining a credit profile.

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In applying to The Vine School (the School) for the education of my child, named in the application form,  I confirm that I understand and accept the following:


Responsibilities of the School:

  • As a Non Profit Company, the School exists to achieve a public benefit object, and its income and property may not be distributed to its members or directors. All the assets and income of the School are therefore used to advance its objectives.
  • As a private educational institution, the School has the right to impart its religious convictions to its students, and may refuse to promote, teach or practice any religious or other conviction other than its own. As the School was established to be a Christian school, based on the teachings of the Bible, it provides education informed by a biblical, Christian worldview. Its philosophy of education affects all its activities, including curriculum, methodology, policies, relationships, mission and vision.
  • The School follows the curriculum of Ambleside Schools International, adapted where appropriate or necessary to the scope and sequence of the South African Department of Education.
  • On the School premises the Principal or his duly appointed Representative acts in loco parentis (including consent to medical treatment). In an emergency, the exact nature of this phrase will be at the discretion of the Principal, or his Representative, who will consult with parents wherever possible.
  • The School has School Rules, including regulations, policies and codes of conduct, to govern the relationship between the School and its staff, parents and pupils. The School is responsible to ensure that School Rules are fairly applied. In exercising this responsibility, the School may carry out disciplinary action, which action may extend to suspension and expulsion.
  • The School reserves the right to verify all information supplied herein and to obtain a credit profile and payment history of the applicants.


Responsibilities of Parents and/or Guardians:

  • In order to take up an offer of a place for a child, Parents must sign a formal contract with the School and pay the required enrolment fee, school fees and activity fee.
  • Parents are expected to inform themselves of the School’s ethos, policies, rules, codes of conduct and other expectations so as to maintain a co-operative, supportive relationship with the School.
  • Parents may not withhold permission for children to participate in the School’s educational curriculum, including extra-mural programs, sporting and cultural events, community service and religious activities.
  • If there are any changes in a family’s circumstances which may affect a child’s physical, emotional or psychological wellbeing while at School, Parents should inform the School timeously.
  • Parents are responsible for their children’s punctual and regular attendance.
  • Parents shall provide their children with the appropriate school uniform in good, clean condition.
  • Parents will ensure that personal belongings are marked with their child’s name.
  • Parents will provide packed lunch for their children in accordance with the school’s “low sugar” policy.
  • At least one Parent is expected to attend parent-teacher meetings and interviews.
  • Parents are encouraged to support school events such as concerts, class parties, fundraisers, outreaches and celebrations.
  • Parents cannot opt out of their responsibilities, even if they receive assistance from other parties. If financial or other support is withdrawn, so that they are unable to fulfill the expectations outlined above, they must be proactive in securing support elsewhere, or withdrawing their children from the School.

I hereby acknowledge that the information I have provided on this Application Form is accurate and complete.  I understand that by providing inaccurate information, I may disqualify my child for acceptance. I understand that if a place is offered to my child, I will enter into a contract with the School.

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The School’s Christian ethos

As a Christian school, The Vine School asserts its constitutional right to operate in accordance with its religious convictions, as expressed in its founding documents. This right is defined in the South African Charter of Religious Rights and Freedoms as follows:

“Every private educational institution established on the basis of a particular religion, philosophy or faith may impart its religious or other convictions to all children enrolled in that institution, and may refuse to promote, teach or practice any religious or other conviction other than its own. Children enrolled in that institution (or their parents) who do not subscribe to the religious or other convictions practiced in that institution waive their right to insist not to participate in the religious activities of the institution.”

As a condition of service, the directors, Principal and teachers of the School are required to affirm their agreement with the Nicene Creed and the School’s Declaration of Faith. These documents are given here for your information.

Nicene Creed

We believe in one God, the Father, the Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all that is, seen and unseen. We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, eternally begotten of the Father, God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, of one Being with the Father. Through him all things were made.

For us and for our salvation he came down from heaven: by the power of the Holy Spirit he became incarnate from the Virgin Mary, and was made man. For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate; he suffered death and was buried. On the third day he rose again in accordance with the Scriptures; he ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead, and his kingdom will have no end.

We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father [and the Son.]* With the Father and the Son he is worshiped and glorified. He has spoken through the Prophets. We believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church. We acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins. We look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come.

*A latter addition by the western church, this phrase is not accepted by Eastern Orthodox churches.

Declaration of Faith

God tells a story and invites us to be part of it...

God is Father, Son and Spirit, one God in three persons, self-existing from before the beginning of time and creation. By His spoken word, He created the entire universe in six days, out of nothing. He created people in His image and placed them on earth to rule and to reign under His authority. He created them to enjoy relationship with Himself, with creation and with one another. He is the source of all knowledge and wisdom. Through the disobedience of the first man, Adam, sin entered into the world, bringing with it destruction, death and the corruption of all creation and all relationships. However God, in His love and mercy, purposed to rescue the world and establish a new creation.

In the Trinity, God establishes equality, authority and submission. God the Father is the ultimate loving authority, to whom both Son and Spirit submit in loving obedience. God sent His Son, Jesus into the world as a Servant, to undo the corruption of humanity and the divine curse on creation caused by Adam. Jesus is fully man and fully God, having been conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. As God-in-the-flesh, Jesus came to testify to truth and make God known. As Saviour, Jesus came to liberate us from our devastating self-love and to rescue us from the consequences of our wilful refusal to love God and others. As Lord of all, His redemptive work secures restoration for mankind and all creation.

God tells His story in His word, which was written by men under the inspiration of His Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the author and interpreter of the Bible, which is God’s word to His world concerning His Son, Jesus Christ. The Bible is entirely trustworthy in its revelation of God’s character and plans, as well as history and the cosmos. Because it is the word of God, the Bible is the final authority in matters of faith, conduct and truth.

We are a people longing eagerly for the future

We are waiting for the arrival of a new heaven and earth, which God will bring about through His transforming power. A day is coming when Christ will return to establish His reign of justice and freedom. He will create the home of righteousness which we long for, and will forever banish sin, sorrow, Satan and death.

In renewed bodies in a renewed creation, we will live as God’s people in unbroken relationship with God and one another. At the centre of everything will be the one God, whose character is constant and purposes unchanging. He will be all our glory. We will enjoy life as it was meant to be lived – abundant life in all its glorious and satisfying fullness.

We are a people formed decisively in the past

From before the creation of the world, God the Father chose us and blessed us in His Son, Jesus. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, Jesus lived the life Adam and the rest of humanity could not live. Jesus died the death that Adam and the rest of humanity deserve to die. On the cross He endured and exhausted God’s righteous anger against our rebellion, paying its penalty in full. Jesus rose physically from the dead and His resurrection is the promise and beginning of God’s new creation. He then returned to His Father in heaven, from where He now rules over all creation. He sent His Spirit to apply to our hearts all that He achieved on the cross. The Spirit enables us as God’s people to live for Christ and speak of Him so that others might submit to Hisgracious reign. In this way Jesus sovereignly gathers His church as He rescues those the Father has given Him.

We are a people living joyfully in the present

God has given His Spirit and His word to us to equip us to serve Him in the world and to bring us to His future. God the Holy Spirit is the giver of spiritual life, the one who convicts us of sin and righteousness and who grants us saving faith. He sets us apart for Christ and makes us more like Him as we hear and obey His word. He lives in us, uniting us as one body, the church, which is the body of Christ. This body includes people of every age, ethnic background and social class.

As image-bearers of God, we are workers. We are called to investigate, explore, discover, develop and manage God’s world. Applying wisdom, knowledge and skill we are to care for His creation. Our work includes both restoration and creativity, by alleviating poverty, curing disease, implementing justice, meeting needs, restoring order, teaching truth and adding beauty through artistic expression of every form. All such work is worthy and we should undertake it with respect, gratitude and joy.

As members of Christ’s church, living in union with Him, we are a means of grace to a needy and dying world. Jesus gave us a glimpse of the world to come, calling us to follow Him and to demonstrate the goodness of His rule by our shared lives, serving and loving one another. We are sent to make the good news of Jesus known to those without God and without hope. As those welcomed, forgiven and accepted, we are to be a community of people who welcome, forgive and accept. So, by word and life, we model and offer reconciliation to those alienated from God. We call people to turn from despising God and urge them to trust in Christ. Without Christ, we would face the judgment of being forever cut off from God and all that is good. Instead, by faith, we share in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus and are made heirs of God’s kingdom. We never earn the right to be called children of God, but are justified and saved solely by the grace of God, through faith. By grace we live in the present as forgiven sinners. However grievous our offences, we can never lose our salvation, for we depend entirely upon the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, our King and Rescuer.



I accept that the School is a private educational institution, established on a Christian basis. By enrolling my children in the School I accept that they will participate in the religious activities of the School.

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Optional:  I agree with the Christian doctrine expressed in the Nicene Creed and Declaration of Faith.

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Pupils’ Code of Conduct

The way we want to be

Our teachers expect us to:

  • be kind, considerate, helpful and friendly to everyone
  • say hello politely to visitors
  • walk, not run, in corridors and let the grown-ups pass by
  • do our best in everything we do, including our homework
  • obey the rules for whatever we’re doing or wearing or playing
  • own up when we do something bad or make a mistake
  • encourage others to do what is right
  • use words to build others up and show we love them and God
  • speak respectfully about religious beliefs, cultures, opinions and choices that are different from our own.

We are not allowed to:

  • miss any classes, school activities or sports without permission
  • ignore or disobey our parents, teachers or other staff members
  • mess up or break things, neither on purpose nor by being careless
  • borrow or use or take things that don’t belong to us without asking
  • tell lies or cheat or let people think things that aren’t true
  • use swear words or make rude signs
  • exclude some people by speaking a language they don’t understand
  • play rough games that hurt others on purpose
  • tease or bully anyone, by hurting them (hitting, pinching, pulling hair or kicking) or calling them an unkind name, or making fun of them
  • go into “out of bounds” areas unless we’re with a teacher
  • keep a cell phone with us during the school day
  • bring any toys, or ugly, evil, rude or violent books or pictures to school
  • bring cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, fireworks, dangerous objects or weapons to school

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After clicking 'Submit', it may take a few minutes for your documents to upload and your application to be sent. Please be patient and wait until the 'Thank-you' message appears on your screen before closing or navigating away from the form.

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