
Governance and Parent Volunteer Association (PVA)

As a Non Profit Company, the school is governed by a Board of Directors responsible for the vision, mission, policies and financial stability of the organisation

All directors must qualify in terms of section 69 of the Companies Act, 2008 and must adhere to the School's Declaration of Faith and the Ambleside Code of Conduct

The Directors


Mr Gavin Graham / Chairman

As a parent, I was drawn to serve on the Board because the school partners with us in raising our children in a Biblical, Christian worldview.  I enjoy the opportunity to use my giftings and to grow in the process. 



Mr Gerard Schrieff / Member

HOD Preschool and Gr 1 JeanI am excited to use my abilities to serve the  school. Good governance will ensure that our school is grounded in principles consistent with the Judeo-Christian worldview, drawing our children to Christ.

When my wife and I discovered the Ambleside philosophy of teaching it resonated with us. We wanted our son immersed in an environment that honours God. We believe that true knowledge is only obtained by understanding our Creator Father.


Mrs Susan Keegan / Member

HOD Preschool and Gr 1 Jean

I have been involved in Christian education as a student, parent, worker and agitator-for-change for most of my life. My children are now grown but I also care about the children of South Africa. The Vine School’s approach has the power to transform lives by affirming values like truth, beauty, integrity and good work.   

Mrs Margi Bate / Member

Deputy Principal   Gina Smith place holder

From the start I was inspired by the  potential of this school to throw off the shackles of the government system and pursue nurturing, caring, Christ-honouring education. The heart-warming testimonies of school families, staff and even outsiders are an abundant reward for my small efforts. Soli Deo Gloria.

The Parent Volunteer Association (PVA)

The Parent Volunteer Association co-ordinates parent involvement in the life of the school.  Hands-on help is always needed at school events like Open Days, Grandparents Days, and the end-of-year class lunches. The PVA also runs fundraising events and work parties where  people put their skills to good use in fellowship with others.  

Being involved in the PVA is one way for parents to get to know one another, build relationships with teachers, and create a sense of family.  It is said 'It takes a village to raise a child' and our school and school families form part of that village of caring people. 

Mel Da Silva Gouveia / Chairman

Deputy Principal   Gina Smith place holderI joined the PVA to encourage my daughters to get out of their comfort zone, to collaborate with different people and challenge myself. Being part of the organisational part of Family Market Day taught me the impact of actions and how a community can pull together to create something beautiful for our children and other TVS families.

What is important to remember is that it doesn't matter how big or small that action is or how young or old we are.

Making an impact is really about doing the little bit we can so that we can make a difference.

Alan Cameron / Committee Member

HOD Preschool and Gr 1 JeanI was interested to see where I could contribute to the life of the school so I joined the PVA this year. Assisting with Family Market Day was way more fun than expected and gave me a chance to work alongside other likeminded parents. I’m looking forward to the next event!

Hayley Hughes / Committee Member

Deputy Principal   Gina Smith place holder

By helping wherever I was needed in the past and now, being part of the PVA makes me feel very much part of The Vine School and feel like I'm giving something back. The school has been instrumental in the spiritual, emotional and academic growth of my son. I am grateful to all those involved over the years. I enjoy being part of this PVA journey. We will strive to do our best!

Tammy de Vries / Committee Member

Deputy Principal   Gina Smith place holder

I joined the PVA because I appreciate what The Vine School is doing for our children and wanted to support that, and also because I had seen other parents working hard to make events like Family Market Day possible in previous years and felt it was my turn to help out. I love the energy and excitement of Family Market Day, and seeing the kids' enthusiasm building to the big day!

Kirsty Scott / Committee Member

Kirsty Scott 250 x 375

I think that it is valuable for all parents to be involved at some stage. It is a way of playing a more active role in the broader Vine School community rather than only your child's class/grade. I enjoyed being part of Family Market Day, being behind-the-scenes and seeing all the many parts come together to create a cohesive, vibey, family-friendly event! It was great working with such a hard working, resourceful and dedicated team!!

Ewa Heugh / Committee Member

Kirsty Scott 250 x 375

I wanted to be more involved in my child's education and contribute to the school's community. Recently I could join the Market Day event, where parents and teachers worked together to create a wonderful atmosphere for everyone involved. It was truly amazing to see how dedicated and passionate the group of parents was in supporting the school's mission and goals.m!!

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